Seminar of the leading railway enterprises of Ukraine.
- 02-02-2006
The official representative of EVAC in Ukraine, PKPP MDC has organized the seminar for the leading railway enterprises of Ukraine on the technical aspects and prospects of introduction of modern and ecologically safe toilet systems on domestic railway transportation. The seminar took place on February, 2nd, 2006.
The complete list of participants can be found here.
General director of PKPP MDC I.Telichko has opened the meeting and analyzed the prospects of ecologically safe vacuum toilet systems in Ukrainian railway industry. The lecturer has acquainted the seminar's participants with activity of the enterprise in this sphere.
The officials of Ukrainian railway enterprises had an opportunity to ask questions and to discuss economic and technical aspects directly with EVAC top managers. Robert Gigengak (Sales Director of EVAC) and Sven Mascow (Technical director) have made a presentation of the company.
They have also made a brief review of three types of vacuum toilet systems (coproduction of EVAC and MDC) offered for introduction on a railway transportation of Ukraine.