EP1M locomotive presentation in St. Petersburg


The presentation of mainline passenger electric locomotive EP1M took place in ST. Peterburg (Russia) on 3d of August. The presentation took place in the context of festive activities dedicated to The Day of Railwayman holiday.

The opening of high-speed train service between Moscow and St. Petersburg was timed to this Day, and also a transport show of new perspective locomotives types, electric trains and passenger coaches was organized at Moskowskiy Railway Station of St. Petersburg.

The President of Russian Railways V.Jakunin, CIS Railways leaders and Russian authorities (The Governor of Leningradskaya Region V.Serdukov, the Plenipotentiary representative of the President of Russia in the North-West District I. Klebanov, major of Moscow Y. Luzhkov and other officials) took part in the festive activities.

The cab of EP1M designed and manufactured by MDC for Novocherkasskiy Electric locomotive Building Plant was favoured by Russian Railroads leaders. The decision of the cab mainline production was taken.