Quality is our goal!


Building relationships with customers through a lasting partnership is a priority policy of PKPP MDC. The company strives to meet the needs of each client to the fullest extent, and therefore offers its customers not only designing and manufacturing products, but also all the required service packages. Production of machinery for rail transport and the provision of related services complex are the integration of many compound industrial and technological processes. In this regard, the implementation of company quality strategy is particularly important. Quality management of PKPP MDC is governed by ISO 9001-2001 standard.

The company is constantly developing and introducing measures that improve the quality of products and services for partners and customers.

Our Service Center (one of the main structural units of PKPP MDC) ensures the operational integrity of products at the sites of operation (Carriage building plants, car-repair factories and depots) during the warranty period.

During 2009 the Service Center has implemented a program of providing customers with spare parts and consumables after the warranty period. Our Service Center conducts statistical analysis of our customers’ needs for service, replacing or upgrading parts and components. Customers of PKPP MDC are provided with technical documentation, visual signs and instructions for maintenance and repair mechanisms. These activities contribute to improving the quality of services for our clients.