Industry Leader
- 16-12-2010
LLC «PKPP MDC» - Industry Leader
State authorities of Ukraine have nominated Limited Liability Designing Constructing Manufacturing Company MDC as "Industry Leader 2010". It was fixed by State Statistics authority of Ukraine.
According to the Classifier of Types of Economic Activities, more than 200,000 financial-active companies were compared in Ukraine. According to the Classifier of Types of Economic Activities 35.20.1 by the activity of "Production of railway rolling stock LLC PKPP MDC” won the first place!
In accordance with international standards of ratings of leading international rating agencies, which data which are recognized in the international arena, the National Business Rating (NBR) based on comparison of the economic indicators of Ukrainian enterprises of all forms of the ownership under the following criteria:
- The volume of goods sold
- Net profit
- Productivity
- Salaries
Places under each criterion are summed, and thus the overall score and place of the company among competitors are determined. Rating system is exact and includes the participation of outsiders and casual enterprises. National business rating system is based on official data of State Statistics authority of Ukraine.
National Business rating (NBR) - a complex rating program, which determines the real leaders of Ukraine's economy solely on official data of State Statistics.
The motto "NBR”: «In factum veritas» (from the Latin - " Truth is in facts")
That is why the leaders of the domestic economy are determined solely on the basis of real economic indicators, which gives the State Statistics.
MISSION "NBR": Recognize, reward, distribute the information about the leaders of the Ukrainian economy because of their contribution to the development of Ukraine at the national and international levels.
This project is effected the basic principles of well-known and reputable European economic rating programs:
- Objectivity and honesty
- Transparency
- The scale (all industries, markets, regions)
- Not exercised by engagement
- Accessibility
- The complexity of the assessment.
- Compliance with international quality standards and evaluation criteria